OCS has acknowledged that Digital Technology will be the way in which future inspections and maintenance activities will be conducted due to their increased efficiency and cost reduction. BY doing so OCS has introduced the first standardized approach to rig inspections aiding in better data analysis so that recurring problems can be identified and company or asset maintenance strategies improved.
Software Objectives
1. Provide an Industry Standardised Platform for Rig Inspections.
2. Standardize Inspections for consistency and asset industry comparison for integrity & condition,
3. Detailed Inspection analysis identifying areas of weakness of an asset
4. Provide an “Asset Integrity Score” and compare to Industry Standards ––(this can only be accomplished using a Standardised inspection process)
5. Prioritize Inspections criteria to Client Requirements, how many times do items on lower important get inspected leaving critical items not inspected,
i.e. (Inspection must include critical inspection items first, then good to do, then other items if time permitting
6. Customise own inspection list and items to be inspected as per company policy.
7. Improve inspections over time. Improve inspection requirements and customize a company inspection requirements with feedback/lessons learned and continuous improvement ––(how many times have improvements/recommendations been lost or not included in future inspections Do not lose lessons learned
8. A company can have control over its inspections and ensure the same process is followed no matter which inspector or what company conducts the
inspection. Consistent Inspection criteria and reporting requirements can be expected.
9. A “Record and Traceability” of what has been inspected will be available unlike previously possible, can later be reviewed if downtime or
incidents/accidents occur.
10. As Industry safety bulletins IADC / In house / other, are obtained these can be added to inspection requirements if and as required if applicable.
11. Obtain Final Report within a Day of Inspection, not week/s.
12. Standardize Reporting
13. Online Reporting
14. Software is available to any company
The Inspection Check List has been generated over many years of experience in rig inspections and also rig knowledge such as
rig commissioning and incident investigations.
Where a question is asked, there is an Industry Standard referenced for that requirement, this may be API, IEC, DR OP’s, OEM, Company Requirement, or another standard. Due to the possible number of inspection items, it is usually not possible to inspect every item listed unless a client allows additional and substantial time to inspect the rig thoroughly. For this reason, the software has several filters available to select a designed list or to customize an inspection list. This then can be tailored to a client requirement, or a designated zone e.g. North Sea, Norway, USA, or other countries’ Government Inspectorate Requirements. This can then be modified as more Inspections are completed to improve the process.
It is recommended an inspection review be made to identify inspection improvements.
The above filtering/customization system then can be used to increase inspection efficiency in areas required and make inspections more cost-effective.
Operational Critical & Safety Critical
Selecting the tabs on the inspection page “Operational or Safety Critical” (or both) will list only those items that have been identified as critical. These items can then also be customized or Prioritised.
Prioritizing the Inspection Items.
The inspection items can be prioritized by a company as to what items should be inspected only, or first then go to the next priority level. The priority falls into three categories. “High, Medium & Low” (indicated by color coding Symbol). These priorities may also be applied to Operational and Safety-Critical Items. In Total there are 5 variations of filtering that can be applied to improve efficiency and target main equipment/items.
Additional questions can be added as seen necessary by a company, this may be due to their experience such as equipment failure history, maintenance requirements or due to a general alert raised by industry or for any other reason.
Continuous Improvement
The process of customization can capture lessons learned for the reasons stated above and these items shall be permanently captured so they are not missed again, how many times have lessons learned never been carried over to other projects / Inspections, there can never be a continuous improvement process if not captured.
Instant Reporting
Obtain the final report within a Day of Inspection